
이창엽 은 한양대학교와 Royal College of Art(영국왕립예술학교)에서 실내디자인과 건축을 각각 전공하며 모두 수석으로 학위를 받았다. 
2011년부터 10여년간 영국 Heatherwick Studio(헤더윅스튜디오)와 Front Inc (프론트)에서 실리콘벨리의 구글 신사옥, 케이프타운의 Zeitz MOCCA 갤러리 등 혁신적으로 실험적인 프로젝트들을 진행하고 2022년 귀국했다.
현재는 모교인 한양대학교 실내건축디자인과 조교수로 재직중이며 Systemi:City Lab을 운영하며 디자인과 테크놀로지들의 여러 접점에 관한 연구를 진행하고 있다. 또한 스튜디오 ReBuild(리빌드)와 협업하며 도시, 공간, 오브제등 다양한 스케일의 디자인 작업에 건축적 스토리를 입혀 새롭게(Re) 연결(Connect)하고, 관계(Relation)맺고, 생성(Generate)하는 일에 집중한다.
영국 일급 건축사(ARB)이자 왕립칙허건축사(RIBA Chartered Member)자격을 가지고 있다.

Changyeob is a design principal at Studio ReBuild. He has been engaged in architecture and design for over 20 years, working across South Korea, Australia, and the UK since 2003.
Chang studied at Hanyang University and the Royal College of Art, graduating summa cum laude in Interior Architecture (BS) and with Distinction in Architecture (MA), respectively. From 2011, he spent over a decade at Heatherwick Studio and Front Inc in the UK, leading innovative and experimental projects such as Google's new headquarters in Mountain View and the Zeitz MOCAA gallery in Cape Town. He returned to Korea in 2022.
Currently, he is a professor at Hanyang University in Seoul, conducting research at the intersection of design and technology. He aims to infuse architectural storytelling into design projects of various scales, including urban spaces, landscapes, and objects, focusing on reconnecting, relating, and generating new narratives.
He holds qualifications as an Architect registered with the Architects Registration Board (ARB) in the UK and is a Chartered Member of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).

이진은 스튜디오 ReBuild(리빌드)의 공동 설립자이자 정원 디자이너이다.
이화여자대학교와 University College of London(런던대학교)에서 공공정책을 전공하였으며 영국 RHS Certificate in the Principles of Plant Growth and Development 를 이수했다.
2022년부터 주)천지식물원에서 피트 아우돌프의 한국 프로젝트 전반에 함께 참여하며 자연주의 정원에 특화된 실무를 익혔다.
사단법인 정원다움 설립에 참여하며 도심속 정원만들기를 통한 공공기여를 실천하고 있다.

Jin Lee is the co-founder and garden designer of Studio ReBuild.
She studied Public Policy at Ewha Womans University and University College London respectively. Afterward, she completed the RHS Certificate in the Principles of Plant Growth and Development Level 2 aiming to realise her commitment to public contribution through gardening.
Since 2022, she has been involved in various aspects of Piet Oudolf's projects in Korea as through her work with Cheonji Nursery, gaining practical experience in naturalistic gardening.
She also contributes to public service by participating in the establishment of the JWDW Association, which aims to promoting the culture of creating naturistic gardens in urban areas.